All Upcoming Events

CCKids Game Night
Get your “game face on!” Join us on Friday, Jan. 24 at the Ministry Center for a game night (time TBD). For more information, contact Children@classiccity.org.

CCKids Chalk Day
Join CCKids for a morning of chalk, bubbles, music and snacks on Friday, July 26 from 9:30 - 11 AM. This is for all our CCKids families and any friends! Parents, please attend with your children. Please RSVP on Church Center or by emailing LK@classiccity.org.

CCKids Chalk Day
Join CCKids for a morning of chalk, bubbles, music and snacks on Friday, July 12 from 9:30 - 11 AM. This is for all our CCKids families and any friends! Parents, please attend with your children. Please RSVP by July 10 on Church Center or by emailing LK@classiccity.org.

Rocksprings Kids Camp 2024
Rocksprings Kids Camp will take place this summer on June 10-13 from 8 AM - 12:30 PM. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Elizabeth@classiccity.org.

VBS Set Sail 2024
All rising K-5th graders are invited to VBS Set Sail this summer on June 3-6 from 9 AM - 12 PM. Registration info will be added soon. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit https://classiccity.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2304955 or email LK@classiccity.org.

CCKids Gwinnett Stripers Baseball Game
Contact LK@classiccity.org for more information.

CCKids Easter Egg Hunt
All are invited to our Easter egg hunt directly after our Easter Service! Join us at the park across Hill St, behind 595.

CCKids Rush Night
CCKids will be having a jump night at Rush Athens on Thursday, Oct. 12 from 5 - 6:45 PM. The cost is $10 a jumper, plus $3 for Rush socks. Dinner will be provided. You can sign up on Church Center by Oct. 10.

Promotion Sunday
We are excited for all of our kids who are moving up to new classes and our new sixth graders who will all be joining the Youth! Join us Sunday, August 6 during the Worship Service, as we celebrate this great transition!

All rising K-5th graders are invited to VBS Wild Life this summer on June 12 - 15 from 9 AM - 12 PM. Registration HERE and we'd love for you to invite your friends! If you are interested in volunteering, please email LK@classiccity.org.

CCKids Taco Dudesday
We invite all of our CCKids dudes and their choice of adult dude to come play yard games, tell jokes, and eat tacos at our TACO DUDES-DAY! This will be May 7 from 5:30-7 PM at the Ministry Center.

Kids’ Roller Skating
CCKids will have a skate day on Apr. 22 from 10 AM - 12 PM at Athens Skate Inn. This is for all CCKids, their families, and friends. Please RSVP on Church Center for all skaters. Parents will need to attend with their children.

Volunteer for VBS & Rocksprings Kids Camp
VBS/ROCKSPRINGS KIDS CAMP VBS will be Jun. 12-15 and Rocksprings Kids Camp will be Jun. 19-22. If you are interested in volunteering for VBS please email Lk@classiccity.org, and for Rocksprings Kids Camp, please email Elizabeth@classiccity.org

CCKids Mom’s Tea Fellowship
CCKids is hosting a Moms’ Tea at the Ministry Center on Saturday, Mar. 11 at 10 AM! This is for our CCKids moms, but also our Youth moms! Please RSVP on the Church Center App.

Kids Movie Night
Join CCKids for a family movie night at 6 PM on Feb. 4 at the Ministry Center. There will be pizza, drinks, and a popcorn bar. We’ll be watching “Encanto!”

Children’s Christmas Play
During the Sunday Worship service, CCKids will be putting on a Christmas Play! Check back soon for more info!

CCKids Gals and Pals Tea
Saturday, Oct. 29 CCKids will have a Gals & Pals Tea at the Ministry Center from 10 - 11:30 AM. This is for all the girls in our ministry and their choice adult pal! Please RSVP on the Church Center App by Oct. 26.

CCKids Rush Night
Thursday, Oct. 27 we will have a night at Rush Athens Trampoline Park! This is for all our CCKids, their families, and friends! It will be from 5 - 6:45 PM, and pizza will be provided! It is $10 per jumper and $3 for Rush socks. Please register on the Church Center app.

CCKids Taco Dudes-day
We invite all of our CCKids dudes and their choice of adult dude to come play yard games, tell jokes, and eat tacos at our TACO DUDES-DAY! This will be September 17th from 5:30-7 PM at the Ministry Center.

Promotion Sunday
We are excited for all of our kids who are moving up to new classes and our new sixth graders who will all be joining the youth! Join us next Sunday, August 7 during the Worship Service, as we celebrate this great transition.

All rising K-5th graders are invited to VBS Mission Deep Sea this summer on June 13 - 16 from 9 AM - 12 PM. Registration is open and we'd love for you to invite your friends! If you are interested in volunteering, please email LK@classiccity.org.

CCKids Color Run
Bring your running shoes and sunglasses for this outdoor run full of color! The run will be Saturday, May 14, from 9 - 10 AM at Southeast Clarke Park. CCKids families and friends are welcome! Register through the Church Center App.

Sign up for Rockspings Kids Camp + VBS
Sign up to volunteer or for your child to join us here!