All Upcoming Events

Classic City Youth Spring 2025
Classic City Youth has returned for the spring semester of 2025! We will be CHANGING OUR MEETING TIME! We will meet immediately after the Sunday morning service at the Ministry Center and end at 2 PM.

Volunteer on the Worship Team
The Classic City Worship Team is looking for volunteers! We are looking for anyone with musical or technical talent and abilities. If that’s you or if you know someone you think should be on the worship team, please fill out a volunteer card or email Christian at worship@classiccity.org.

Selah 2025
Selah is an annual women's ministry event that is a time to Selah: to pause, to praise, to lift up.
This year, it will be hosted at the Classic City Ministry Center (MC) and is themed Breathe.
Please come join us in this time of fellowship and renewal on Saturday, March 22 from 9:30am - 12:30pm.
Parking is behind the MC in the grassy lot. Enter through the large porch side door, and you will see a welcome table.
Light snacks and refreshments will be provided during this event.
This year, Selah costs $0, so come all! We will be overjoyed to Selah with all that are available.

THE MIX 2025
Join Classic City Youth as we join The Mix 2025 from February 21st – 22nd.
Please register on Church Center!
The Mix is an incredible Athens Youth Conference collaboration between many of the surrounding area youth groups and churches that is filled with a great time of worship, unity, fellowship, and Gospel-centric messages!
Register as soon as possible to lock in the EARLY BIRD price of $60. The cost will increase to $70 after January 24th.
This price will cover meals, three sessions, games and activities, and a t-shirt for each student attending.
We will be doing overnight together on Friday, but then everyone will go home Saturday night.
We are really looking forward to this wonderful weekend and know God will do great things for His glory, the students, and our city.
We will provide more details in the weeks leading up to the weekend of The Mix like the weekend schedule and packing list.
If interested in scholarships, please contact us about options.
If you have any questions please contact Lee@classiccity.org.

Deacon Nominations
Thank you for serving Classic City Church by helping to highlight men and women in our church body who have demonstrated qualities and disciplines that would make them fit spiritually and practically to serve as a leader in the role of a Deacon.

ISM Super Bowl Watch Party
It’s time for our annual Super Bowl watch party potluck! Join us tonight at 2170 S. Milledge Avenue for snacks, drinks, football, and awesome conversations. Kickoff is at 6:30 PM. If you need a ride, text Tate at (229)-561-5442!

Athens Rock Lobsters Hockey Match
Classic City Church, join us at the Athens Rock Lobster Hockey Match against the Baton Rouge Zydeco on Friday, Jan. 31st at 7 PM. Register on Church Center to join us!

CCKids Game Night
Get your “game face on!” Join us on Friday, Jan. 24 at the Ministry Center for a game night (time TBD). For more information, contact Children@classiccity.org.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Join us for our church’s annual time of prayer and fasting inspired by Daniel’s 3 week fast in the Old Testament! This is a great way to enter into the new year together as a church body. Also, please join us weekly for Wednesday Prayer at the Ministry Center from 6 - 7 PM to punctuate this journey. More information coming soon. Email prayer@classiccity.org with any questions or prayer requests.

Prayer Meeting
This week’s prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday, January 8th from 6 - 7 PM at the Ministry Center. All are welcome!

No Sunday Service Dec. 29
We will not have a Sunday Worship Service on Dec. 29. Our services will resume on Jan. 5, 2024.

Christmas Service
Due to scheduling conflicts with our worship venue, we regret to announce that we will not be hosting our traditional Christmas Eve service this year. However, we invite you to join us for our Special Liturgical Christmas Worship Service on Sunday, Dec. 22. This service will celebrate the nativity story and capture the spirit of our Christmas Eve service.

Youth Christmas Party
We’re having our Youth Christmas Party on Sunday, Dec. 15 from 4:30 - 6:30 PM at the Ministry Center! More information coming soon. Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

CCKids' Christmas Music Performance
Join us for our annual CCKids Christmas Musical Performance during our December 15th Sunday Worship Service!

CCKids Volunteer Christmas Party
CCKids Volunteers - Join us for a Christmas Party on December 14th from 6-8 PM at the Ministry Center. We’re excited to celebrate the holiday with you!

Prayer Meeting
This week’s prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday, December 11 from 6 - 7 PM at the Ministry Center. All are welcome!

ISM Christmas Dinner Party
Join us for a Christmas Dinner Party on Sunday, Dec. 8th from 6 - 8 PM at 1050 Ivywood Drive. We look forward to sharing the real meaning of Christmas with our international student friends!

Grad Sunday
Congratulations to all upcoming graduates! We will be honoring your achievements and praying over your future plans Sunday, December 8 during our Worship Service.

Prayer Meeting
This week’s prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday, December 4 from 6 - 7 PM at the Ministry Center. All are welcome!

Rocksprings Turkey Drive
We will be hosting a Thanksgiving Turkey Drive on Sunday November 24 at the Rocksprings Community Center from 4 - 5 PM. If interested in helping to serve in any way, please contact Jose Camacho at jcruiz505@gmail.

Prayer Meeting
This week’s prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday, November 20 from 6 - 7 PM at the Ministry Center. All are welcome!

ISM Thanksgiving Potluck
Join the International Student Ministry for their Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner on November 17th from 6 - 8 PM at 1050 Ivywood Drive. Bring your favorite side dish to share!

Closer Look
This is a class for anyone that’s new to Classic City Church and would like to learn more about our mission, values, and beliefs. Closer Look will take place after service on Sunday, November 17 at 12:15 PM. RSVP on the Church Center App or at this link.

Child Dedications
If you’re interested in dedicating your child to the Lord we have an opportunity to do so on November 17 during our Sunday Worship Service! Contact Lee@classiccity.org for more info or to sign up.

Prayer Meeting
This week’s prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday, November 13 from 6 - 7 PM at the Ministry Center. All are welcome!

Hiring: Executive Pastor
We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Executive Pastor to provide strategic leadership and pastoral oversight to the staff of our church. The ideal candidate will be a passionate follower of Christ with a proven track record of leading and managing a diverse team.
Click this link for the full job information page: https://www.classiccity.org/executive-pastor

Prayer Meeting
This week’s prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday, November 6 from 6 - 7 PM at the Ministry Center. All are welcome!

Youth Fall Retreat
Join us for a Fall Retreat at the North Georgia Christian Camp for their annual Thrive youth conference!
It'll be the weekend of Nov. 1-3! We will leave at 5:00 PM on Friday and return around 11:00 AM on Sunday.
The cost is only $80 and will cover dinner on Friday, all meals on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday morning, and a nice long-sleeve t-shirt.
More details like packing instructions will come for those who register. If you have any questions please contact Josh@classiccity.org.

Prayer Meeting
This week’s prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday, October 30 from 6 - 7 PM at the Ministry Center. All are welcome!

Prayer Meeting
This week’s prayer meeting will be held this Wednesday, October 23 from 6 - 7 PM at the Ministry Center. All are welcome!

Youth Service Project
Join us Saturday morning on October 19 for a service project with City of Refuge Athens. Afterwards, we will go enjoy lunch together. We hope all our students can join. If you have any questions, contact Josh@classiccity.org.
Bring money for lunch!