Our Volunteer Areas:
At Classic City Church, we aim to honor the greatness of Jesus Christ by participating in His purposes. For us, that means joining our talents and skills with a greater need. You can help us do this by volunteering in one of our various ministry areas. Our goal is to fill our ministries with faithful servants who are dedicated to fulfilling His great commission. We long to create a stronger community within our church by fostering strong relationships with volunteers, staff, and guests alike. For Classic City, volunteers are the backbone of our ministry and service. Commitments vary with each ministry area, so there is an opportunity for everyone to serve at CCC.
Join the fun that happens in Classic City Kids by teaching Bible stories, showing kids the love of Jesus, playing games, welcoming new families, or rocking a sweet baby.
Love your neighbors! Varying bi-monthly outreaches seek to serve and fellowship with our greater community. Currently, most of these ministries are with the Rocksprings neighborhood.
Serve on Sundays with either audio, presentation, or live-streaming production. No prior experience needed, just a willingness to learn! We will provide training and assistance.
Help prepare our venue for worship on Sunday mornings! Set up and pack up various aspects of our worship space and our children’s classrooms once a month.
Prepare our sanctuary for worship, welcome our guests, and help the flow of our services. Make an impact on Sunday mornings by serving as the hands and feet of Jesus!
Share your talent and passion for worshipping the Lord! All vocalists and instrumentalists are welcome to apply.
Help to plan, serve, and lead at youth gatherings, as well as mentor and disciple students on a weekly basis.
Join us in sharing God’s love and hospitality with international students.