Sunday Worship Services
Meet us at 595 Prince Ave. Athens, GA
at 10:30 AM
What to Expect
Sunday services begin at 10:30 AM and end before 12:00 PM. Come dressed in whatever is comfortable for you. Sport coats or jeans are both appropriate. We begin by singing worship songs, followed by scripture readings and prayer, before hearing a Christ-centered message from the Bible. We close the service with communion and worship.
Nursery and children’s church are available through the 5th grade during the church service.
Celebrating Communion
We celebrate communion in each of our worship services as a tangible reminder of Christ's sacrifice for us. The word sacrament means sacred moment. Our hope is that during the closing of each worship service, God’s presence will be experienced in a special way. Participation in this sacrament is open to all who follow Jesus Christ.
On Sunday mornings, we ask those who are able-bodied to park in our peripheral lots shown below, or in the back of the main lot to help accommodate families with small children, the less able-bodied, and our honored guests.
Worship with Us Online
If you are unable to attend in person, all services are available on our YouTube channel. All sermons are also available through your favorite podcast service.