All Upcoming Events

Classic City Youth Spring 2025
Classic City Youth has returned for the spring semester of 2025! We will be CHANGING OUR MEETING TIME! We will meet immediately after the Sunday morning service at the Ministry Center and end at 2 PM.

THE MIX 2025
Join Classic City Youth as we join The Mix 2025 from February 21st – 22nd.
Please register on Church Center!
The Mix is an incredible Athens Youth Conference collaboration between many of the surrounding area youth groups and churches that is filled with a great time of worship, unity, fellowship, and Gospel-centric messages!
Register as soon as possible to lock in the EARLY BIRD price of $60. The cost will increase to $70 after January 24th.
This price will cover meals, three sessions, games and activities, and a t-shirt for each student attending.
We will be doing overnight together on Friday, but then everyone will go home Saturday night.
We are really looking forward to this wonderful weekend and know God will do great things for His glory, the students, and our city.
We will provide more details in the weeks leading up to the weekend of The Mix like the weekend schedule and packing list.
If interested in scholarships, please contact us about options.
If you have any questions please contact Lee@classiccity.org.

Athens Rock Lobsters Hockey Match
Classic City Church, join us at the Athens Rock Lobster Hockey Match against the Baton Rouge Zydeco on Friday, Jan. 31st at 7 PM. Register on Church Center to join us!

Youth Christmas Party
We’re having our Youth Christmas Party on Sunday, Dec. 15 from 4:30 - 6:30 PM at the Ministry Center! More information coming soon. Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

Youth Fall Retreat
Join us for a Fall Retreat at the North Georgia Christian Camp for their annual Thrive youth conference!
It'll be the weekend of Nov. 1-3! We will leave at 5:00 PM on Friday and return around 11:00 AM on Sunday.
The cost is only $80 and will cover dinner on Friday, all meals on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday morning, and a nice long-sleeve t-shirt.
More details like packing instructions will come for those who register. If you have any questions please contact Josh@classiccity.org.

Youth Girls Night/Guys Night
To kick off the semester, Youth be having separate fun special evenings for the fellas and the ladies – Guys and Girls Nights! Both events will be on Saturday, September 21 with drop off at 7:00 PM at the Ministry Center. For more information, please contact Josh@classiccity.org.

Youth Returns
Classic City Youth returns today! We will meet from 4 - 6:30 PM at the Ministry Center.

Youth Fall Family Breakfast
Families of middle and high schoolers, please join us for a Youth Fall Family Breakfast the morning before the church service on Sunday, Aug. 18 from 8:30 - 10:00 AM. This will be a great opportunity to meet other families and hear about our plans for Fall 2024. You can bring the whole family and we will have breakfast for everyone. Please RSVP on Church Center or by emailing Josh@classiccity.org.

Youth End of Summer Party
Wrap up the summer and start the school year with a fun pool party and cookout on Saturday, August 3rd from 11 AM - 1:30 PM. Lunch is provided. Sign up on Church Center or email Josh@classiccity.org.

Last Summer Youth
The evening of July 28 will be our last Summer Youth group! After a short break, we’ll resume meeting in the fall. Email Josh@classiccity.org with any questions.

Youth Kayaking Trip
Come kayak the Broad River with us during the morning and afternoon of Saturday, Jul. 6! Register on Church Center or email Josh@classiccity.org.

Youth Atlanta United
Classic City Youth this Summer will head to watch Atlanta United defeat the Houston Dynamo.
Saturday, June 15th; we will meet at 4:00 PM and return around 11:00 PM at the Ministry Center.
Visit our Church Center registration page to get more details and to sign up!

Summer Youth Begins
Sunday, Jun. 2 Summer Youth begins! We’ll meet Sundays from 4 - 6:30 PM for games, dinner, and an episode of season 2 of The Chosen. Email Josh@classiccity.org with any question or for more info!

Youth End of Year Party
Our annual End of the School Year Party will be Sunday, May 5th from 3 - 5:30 PM! Come celebrate wrapping up the school year with fun games and food. We hope all our high and middle schoolers join us! Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

Youth Serve at Salvation Army
Stay tune for more details or contact Josh@classiccity.org for more details.

Youth Progressive Dinner
We’re having our Youth Progressive Dinner on Saturday, March 23 from 6 - 8 PM at the MC! Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

Youth Returns
Youth returns on Jan. 14! Come out to the Ministry Center for games, food, and discussion about the sermon!

Youth Christmas Party
Tonight from 6 - 9 PM at the Ministry Center, Classic City Youth will be hosting a Classy Christmas Party! We’ll provide dinner, y’all bring a white elephant gift ($5-value) and come dressing snazzy! Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

Youth Returns Today
Classic City Youth returns today! We’ll meet at the Ministry Center after the service.

Youth Fall Family Breakfast
Families of middle and high schoolers, please join us for a Youth Fall Family Breakfast the morning before the church service on Sunday, Aug. 6 from 8:30 - 10:00 AM. This will be a great opportunity to meet other families and hear about our plans for Fall 2023. You can bring the whole family and we will have breakfast for everyone. Please RSVP with Josh Rogers by emailing Josh@classiccity.org.

Youth Cell Group Registrations
Youth Cell Groups!
Throughout the week, Classic City Youth has various Cell Groups that consist of two adult volunteer leaders and a handful of the youth of the same age and gender.
The time spent together includes fun social time, accountability and prayer, and a Bible study.
These groups are meant to be flexible and attempt to work well with the kids’ and families' busy schedules. This is why we do our best to collect the availability of our students and leaders, to try to match a good time for most.

Last Summer Youth
The evening of July 30 will be our last Summer Youth group! After a short break, we’ll resume meeting in the fall. Email Josh@classiccity.org with any questions.

Youth Paintball
YOUTH – Join us for paintball on Saturday, Jul. 29 from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Register on Church Center and email Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

Youth Tubing
Classic City Youth - Join us for a tubing adventure through Athens on Wednesday, Jul. 12. We will meet at the Ministry Center at 9 AM and pick up at 2:00 PM. You can register through Church Center for $35, which includes tubing and lunch. Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

Youth Stars + Strikes
Join us for an evening at Stars and Strikes filled with pizza and games like laser tag and arcade on Wednesday, Jun. 28. We will meet at the Ministry Center at 5:30 and get back at 10:00 PM. Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

Youth Lunch + Movie
Join us this Thursday afternoon for lunch at Beechwood Chick-fil-a and a movie afterward. We will gather from 12:30 - 3:30 PM and pick-up will be at the Beechwood Movie Theater. In fact, for any of our youth who serves for at least two days at Rocksprings Kids Camp, Classic City Youth will get their lunch and movie ticket! Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

CCYouth Atlanta United
We'll kick off Summer Youth by going to watch Atlanta United play on the evening of May 31! Grab tickets before they run out.

Summer Youth Begins
Sunday, Jun. 4 Summer Youth begins! We’ll meet Sundays from 5 - 7:30 PM for games, dinner, and an episode of The Chosen. Email Josh@classiccity.org with any question or for more info!

Youth End of Year Party
Our annual End of the School Year Party will be Sunday, Apr. 30. We won't meet after the church service and instead will be gathering at the Ministry Center from 6 - 8:30 PM for fun activities and food! We hope all our high and middle schoolers join us! Contact Josh@classiccity.org if you have any questions.

Youth Game Night
Middle and High Schoolers, join Classic City Youth for a fun game night at the Ministry Center. Contact our Youth Pastor Josh Rogers for more details.

Classic City Youth, get excited — THE MIX 2023 is coming! Sign up now for our Athens-area youth conference on the weekend of Feb. 24-25! The early bird price of $70 is available until Jan. 23, then it goes up. Sign-ups and more details can be found HERE. If you have any questions, please contact Josh@classiccity.org.